Mar 12, 2014


It has come to my attention that some people have been looking and waiting for me here and wow I thought I was just typing into cyberspace. Anyway, I got a tumblr and when I'm on the computer not doing work that's where I am. So yeah, sorry but I think we can call this blog terminated. Unless I get a roaring response in which case I will come back. See the top for the link to my tumblr and a link to my friend's tumblr which is really cool. As a thank you I will let you know that in about an hour I will be sitting in a salon getting a pixie cut so yay for changes!

Dec 12, 2013

The Book Thief

As you non-existant followers know, I loved The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. It was a phenomenal book and I eagerly awaited the movie. Last Friday I went to see it hoping that it wouldn't be a movie that ruined a book. It was most certainly not. The movie was fantastic, and I have never cried so much in my entire life. I don't cry very often and when I do it's usually over not very important things (like selling a car) ....
Anyway you, my dear non-existant follower, should go see it. 

Nov 16, 2013

The Cure

I recently read The Cure by Sonia Levitin. I was over my friend's house looking through her bookshelf for books to borrow and I saw The Cure. The cover intrigued my darker side and I was asked if it was a good book. Upon this she grabbed the book out of my hands and stated it would scar me and she didn't want to do that to me. So I leave the book there and go on with my rummaging.
My birthday rolls around and her present to me is a bunch of books-including The Cure. I of course read it as soon as possible. It did scar me a little, but it was a fantastic book I'm glad I read. So if you're interested (which I know you are) read this! If anyone is interested in a summary, I can provide it, but seeing as nobody reads these and I'd end up spoiling it anyway I'll leave you, my imaginary reader, to ask for it. Bank lollipops are good. Au Revoir.

6- Word Memoirs

DFTBA. If you know what that means, you'll probably enjoy this little story. So its one of the first days of school, and we're going to play one of those, get to know your classmates game *shocker* even though we've been going to school with one another for a billion years. Just as Hemingway wrote his 6-word memoir "For Sale:Baby Shoes, Never Worn" we were instructed to write our own 6-word memoirs. Mine was "Nerds, don't forget to be awesome." All was great, I had paid my tribute to Nerdfighteria, maybe confused the teacher a little ,but who cares. Until we go to class again and have to present them. She told us to give about a 30 second explanation of your card, after of course your classmates guessed which card belonged to whom. Needless to say, me, the shy nerdfighter had to explain vlogbrothers, DFTBA,  and nerdfighters in 30 seconds while containing feels and the urge to jump in a TARDIS and get out. Loads of fun!

Oct 13, 2013


Just a heads up to anyone who hadn't heard the news:

The Fault In Our Stars movie comes out June 6, 2014


The Book Thief comes out November 8, 2013

I found out Nat Wolff is in The Fault In Our Stars movie(he plays Isaac)...and then I said to myself "Nat Wolff.....NAKED BROTHERS BAND!!!!"Also, Willem Dafoe who voices Gill in Finding Nemo is also in The Fault In Our Stars movie as Peter Van Houten. Arghh!

Sep 23, 2013

Books and Stuff

You know when there's a good book and you can't seem to get into it. Or when you haven't read from it in so long and you're just bored? Just me? I've been reading the same book now for like 2 weeks and its driving me crazy because I don't like to have books going on for long amounts of time because then I can't read anything else. Now that school started I'm slipping away from doing things that I love,like sitting down and reading, because I just think about all the other stuff I could be doing. I'm not putting school work off- I just want to finish the book!

Au revoir

Aug 19, 2013


So Charlie McDonnell posted a YouTube video called 'Infinite Charlies'. I recommend watching it because it will explain what I'm trying to say a whole heck of a lot better.I give all credit to talking about this to Charlie I just thought that you might not watch his videos and I should share with you this awesome-ness. So anyway, the current theory is that the universe has NO EDGE. (There are also some Vlogbrother videos about this guessed it ...YouTube). And there is a limited number of stuff that can make up a human being. So since the universe is endless, it will eventually have to repeat itself. A few times. So there are an infinite number of other roxydoodle13s. Charlie also mentioned that people probably think he is crazy but I don't! I think the same way he does which is through science,reason,and logic. And since the universe is endless it HAS TO HAPPEN!!! Oh and another thing Charlie said was that anytime he ever regrets anything, there is another Charlie that made the right choice. It is comforting, and it is a concept I hope to think about often because it is fascinating, and mind blowing, but not to crazy (at least to me), and.... Charlie McDonnell. 

Au revoir.